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Here's To The Holidays

Here's To The Holidays

  • SKU: 35029
  • Availability: in stock Many in stock SOLD OUT You can purchase this product but it's out of stock
FREE delivery on orders over £100*
Surrounded by snow and wildlife outside this adorable house is decked out for the holidays while the couple inside takes a much needed break by the fire. Candy canes, wreaths, and greenery decorate the exterior and a snow shovel leans against the side so it is apparent that company is expected. Perhaps they are waiting for friends to drop by or for Santa to drop down the chimney?
  • Approx. size (H x W x D)
    6.69 x 6.50 x 4.72 inches
    17 x 16.5 x 12 cm
  • Year Released: 2023
  • Made of: Porcelain
  • Product type: Lighted Buildings
  • Control switch: On/Off switch
  • Electrical: With 1.83m cord (6 feet) or with LED light cord with battery box or with LED light cord with adaptor
  • Village: Vail Village



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Saturday - UK Mainland


3-5 days - Northern Ireland


3-5 days - Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Isles of Scilly, Isle of Man
