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Christmas Model Buildings - Lemax

Christmas model buildings from Lemax are a big part of your Christmas model display, create a unique festive scene with buildings and accessories, from shops to Santa's fairground carousel we have a huge range for you to choose from, all our products are available for next day delivery..
Products (28)

Santa's Rooftop Bash, With 4.5V Adaptor


North Pole Control Tower, With 4.5V Adaptor


Santa's Stratospheric Observatory, B/O (4.5V)


Toy Making School, B/O (4.5V)


Tea With Mrs. Claus, With 4.5V Adaptor


North Pole Fun Fair, With 4.5V Adaptor


Hot Chocolate Spa, B/O (4.5V)


Arctic Animal Sanctuary, B/O (4.5V)


Santa's Workshop, With 4.5V Adaptor


Top Pizza, with 4.5V Adaptor


Santa's Village, B/O (4.5V)


Circus Funhouse, with 4.5V Adaptor


Let It Snow!


The Claus Cottage, B/O (4.5V)


Santa's Reindeer Stables, B/O (4.5V)


Kringle's Cottage with 4.5V Adaptor


Mrs. Claus' Kitchen with 4.5V Adaptor


Santa's Chalet, With 4.5V Adaptor


Elf Made Toy Factory with 4.5V Adaptor


Santa's Hot Rod Garage, With 4.5V Adaptor


Santa Carousel, With 4.5V Adaptor


Crazy Cars, with 4.5V Adaptor (Ver.2)


The Giant Wheel with 4.5V Adaptor


Berry Brothers Big Top, With 4.5V Adaptor
